NCFM Recent Activities

These are some of the most recent activities by the National Coalition for Men on behalf of men's rights. We hope you'll appreciate all that we do on behalf of men and the women and children who love them. Please e-mail your comments to Thanks!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Good morning NCFM Marc

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Friday, September 27, 2013

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Something Special For You

That's what I promised to send you Hope you like it!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

From the Bottom of My Heart

I wanna share this with u Enjoy!

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Thursday, June 28, 2012


I believe this could be useful for u Check it, please

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Federal Judge thanks NCFM for work on paternity fraud

Judge David Hanschen of the 254th District Court of Dallas, Texas wrote NCFM the attached letter thanking NCFM for its work in fighting paternity fraud.  He read about NCFM's work in an online news release about the Hari Wilburn case. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

NCFM in Bangalore Mirror (India) praising Court ruling on women "maintenance"
Banglalore Mirror

"Men are not free ATM machines"

Several Bangaloreans welcome the SC judgment against maintenance for women in live-in relationships, say it's high time government amended the Domestic Violence Act


Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 05:18:52 AM

"Men's rights groups in the city have welcomed the recent supreme court judgment that women in live-in relationships cannot demand maintenance from their male partners. They have also come out against additional solicitor general Indira Jaisingh who has criticised the judgment.
"Virag Dhulia, liaison officer (India) for the National Coalition for Men (NCFM), said, 'It is outrageous that Indira Jaisingh argues in a non-government case and demands that a man pays Rs 500 every month to one of his sexual partners for many decades in future just like a free ATM machine. Given a chance, she can also push courts to order men to pay maintenance to their female colleagues at work, citing some imaginary office romance. We are heading towards a society where women are independent and men are no longer treated as free ATM machines.'"

"Today, sexual relationships between men and women are mostly mutual. Lawmakers must put an end to this practice of maintenance, alimony and compensation to women just due to some mutual sexual or emotional relationships for short or long periods of time," says Jahgirdar.

Friday, July 30, 2010

News Release


California Courts Uphold Order Making Homeless Man Pay Child Support and Lose Inheritance

For Immediate Release
LOS ANGELES/EWORLDWIRE/July 30, 2010 --- National Coalition For Men (NCFM) attorney Marc E. Angelucci reports that on July 28, 2010, the California Supreme Court declined to review a Court of Appeal decision that forced Hari Wilburn, a homeless man, to pay tens of thousands of dollars in child support for a child even though DNA excludes him as the dad and he never acted as the dad.
On August 17, the probate court in San Diego will hear the mother's request to intercept Wilburn's inheritance from his deceased mother in order to pay the child support order.
Wilburn was represented at the appellate level by Angelucci. NCFM is a nonprofit organization that addresses how sex discrimination affects men and boys and that helped change California law in 2005 to help protect men from false paternity claims.
In 1991, Cathy Tate named Wilburn as the father of her five-year-old child Alexis in a restraining order proceeding. Wilburn, who was homeless, was never personally served, and there is no record of any service except by mail to Wilburn's mother's address, which is not legally proper. Nonetheless, the court found Wilburn was served, issued a restraining order and ordered Wilburn to pay child support. Wilburn was not present.
Seventeen years later, in 2008, Tate asked the probate court to intercept tens of thousands of dollars Wilburn was about to inherit from his deceased mother, based on the 1991 support order. Wilburn's family tracked down 22-year-old Alexis and asked her to take a DNA test, which excluded Wilburn as Alexis' biological dad. Wilburn's family hired an attorney, who filed a motion challenging the support order. Alexis swore under oath that Wilburn never acted as her dad and she only saw him a few times in her life. The court denied the motion, ruling Wilburn should have challenged the order sooner, despite the fact that he was homeless and living under a bridge. On appeal, the Third District Court of Appeal upheld the order on the same grounds, and the California Supreme Court has now declined review.
"This is totally unjust," said Angelucci. "It is wrong to force a man person to pay child support for a child that is not his, especially when he never acted as the dad."
According to the American Association of Blood Banks, 30 percent of DNA paternity tests nationwide turn out negative. "That figure is out of about 300,000 tests per year," said Angelucci. "At least 100,000 tests are negative per year in the U.S., and that's only men who get tested. This is a serious, under-addressed problem."
The Wilburn v. Tate appellate decision is at




Tuesday, April 20, 2010

University of New Hampshire News Prints NCFM Reply to Jackson Katz
Dear Editor,
As a nonprofit organization that works with male victims of domestic violence, rape, and false accusations, we ask that you print this letter to give a side of the problem that was not mentioned in the article "Speaker Highlights Domestic Violence Issues" (4/15). 
Jackson Katz is correct that rape is not just a women's issue.  But that's because males are victims too.  And it's not true that "men commit 99% of rapes," especially when you include statutory rapes of minors.  About 95% of all youth reporting staff sexual abuse in juvenile detention facilities say they were victimized by female staff.  And a student survey in New Mexico found 43% of teacher sex abuse comes from female teachers, but 92% of prosecutions are of male teachers. 
Also, while men are less likely than women to report their victimization to police, virtually all randomized empirical surveys show women initiate domestic violence at rates similar to men and that men suffer about one-third of physical injuries.  We work with men who have been stabbed, cut with glass, or had their teeth broken with furniture.  There is no excuse for sweeping them and their children under the rug.
Finally, false rape accusations are a form of psychological rape that are too often ignored, and empirical research shows they are far more common than we're told. 
Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.
Board Member
National Coalition For Men

NCFM Joins International Letter to Heads of 6 Nations re Male DV Victims

On March 31, 2010, the National Coalition For Men joined the Family of Men Support Society (Canada), Amen (Ireland), Ration Shed (New Zealand), Lone Fathers Association (Australia), and Men's Aid (England) in sending a letter to their respective national leaders challenging the out-dated notion that men are rarely victims of domestic violence.  The letter requests that necessary funds and appropriate services be directed to helping male victims.  The letter is posted at and

Thursday, March 18, 2010

NCFM Obtains Grant From San Diego Domestic Violence Council!

NCFM was just awarded a monetary grant from the San Diego Domestic Violence Council for NCFM's POPS program!  Meanwhile NCFM continues its ongoing participation in meetings and committees with the San Diego and Los Angeles Domestic Violence Councils (both City and County) to advocate for non-discriminatory, inclusive, evidence-based policies.   

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reno News prints NCFM reply to Senator Harry Reid's Sexism
Re "Abusing Reid" (Upfront, March 4):
Dennis Myers misses the point that men's rights activists are making about Sen. Harry Reid's comments. The point isn't whether domestic violence rises due to unemployment, but Sen. Reid's gender-biased comments, stigmatizing male victims and their children by blaming only males for the problem.
Men are less likely to report it (which makes crime data unreliable), but almost 300 studies now confirm "women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners," as California State University Professor Martin Fiebert shows in his online bibliography at
For example, a 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire found women are as violent and controlling as men in dating relationships worldwide
The Centers for Disease Control funded a major study of heterosexual relationships throughout the U.S. and found: "Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases," and both sexes had significant injuries
When children witness parental violence, however severe or minor, it becomes a model for them. Domestic violence is an intergenerational cycle, and we'll never stop it without being honest about it rather than following the politically correct gender paradigm that has been totally refuted by serious researchers like Professor Don Dutton of the University of British Columbia and many others.
Marc E. Angelucci
National Coalition For Men

Monday, March 8, 2010

NCFM Submits Testimony on Senate Bill 1777 (MA) re Genital Mutilation

On March 8, 2010, NCFM Public Relations Director Steven Svoboda, Esq. submitted written testimony to all members of the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary in support of Senate Bill 1777 (SB 1777), which would make genital mutilation of male and female minors illegal.  The text of the bill is located at The Judiciary Committee is expected to issue a decision on March 17, 2010. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

NCFM legal victory cited on Psychology Today blog by Dr. Linda Mills

On 12/9/09, NYU Professor Lind Mills mentioned NCFM's legal victory for equal rights for male victims of domestic violence in her Psychology Today blog, "Embedded."
Excerpt: "That's why it was major news last October when the National Coalition For Men successfully argued to the California Court of Appeals that state-funded
domestic violence shelters violated the rights of abused men when it turned away David Woods and his 11-year-old daughter Meagan.
The court found that under the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution,
 any program that received government funding was required to provide services to all domestic violence victims, regardless of gender."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NCFM on WEHC Radio (VA) re Rihanna & Partner Abuse

On 12/8/09, WEHC Radio (Emory & Henry College), which airs in Virginia and D.C., hosted NCFM's Public Relations Director, J. Steven Svoboda, Esq., for a show on domestic violence, particularly focusing on the African-American community.  Svoboda discussed the key points in NCFM's press release on the Rihanna/Brown incident, NCFM's work on domestic violence, and NCFM's mission, history and accomplishments.  NCFM thanks the co-host, Professor Aris Winger, for inviting NCFM onto the show. 

WEHC Radio Hosts NCFM on Rihanna/Brown & Partner Abuse

On 12/8/09, WEHC Radio (Emory & Henry College), which airs in Virginia and D.C., hosted NCFM's Public Relations Director, J. Steven Svoboda, for a show on domestic violence particularly in the African-American community.  Svoboda discussed the key points in NCFM's press release on the Rihanna/Brown incident, NCFM's work on domestic violence overall, and NCFM's mission, history and accomplishments.  NCFM thanks the co-host, Professor Aris Winger, for inviting NCFM onto the show. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

NCFM on the national TV show "The Secret Lives of Women"

NCFM member David Woods, who was the lead plaintiff in the Woods v. Horton victory for battered men, is appearing with his attorney, NCFM member Marc Angelucci, on the national TV show "The Secret Lives on Women" on the WE channel on 12/1/09 and again on 12/22 and 12/29.  The episode is called "Husband Beaters." 

Husband Beaters Tuesday, December 1 at 10pm | 9c
Husband Beaters
In America, the term "Domestic Abuse" is typically associated with a victimized woman mercilessly beaten by an overbearing ogre of a husband. The fact is however, that more than a third of all DA cases feature males as victims, and even that number is considered low due to the relatively low reporting of these cases by men who are ashamed and afraid to do so. The stories in SLOW: Husband Beaters will provide an inside look at Domestic Abuse done to men from a variety of perspectives and shed light on a very dark and violent corner of America.
Upcoming Air Dates:
Tuesday, December 1 at 10pm | 9c
Tuesday, December 22 at 3am | 2c
Tuesday, December 29 at 3am | 2c

Thursday, November 5, 2009

NCFM News Release calling on fair coverage of Rihanna/Brown


National Coalition For Men

Company Information :
National Coalition For Men
P.O. Box 41291
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Ph. (818) 907-9383
Media Contacts:
Marc Angelucci, Esq

Rihanna Should Discuss Her Own Violence As Well As Chris Brown's, Affirms National Coalition of Men
National Coalition For Men calls on Rihanna to woman up about her own violence

For Immediate Release

LOS ANGELES/EWORLDWIRE/Nov. 5, 2009 --- Pop singer Rihanna recently made a widely publicized statement to Glamour Magazine that she wants to "shed light on the reality of domestic violence." The National Coalition For Men (NCFM) calls on Rihanna to discuss her own reported violence against Brown as well if she wants to shed light on the problem honestly.
According to court records and other sources, Rihanna struck Brown in the face "numerous times" before Brown assaulted her (''). NCFM purports although that would not justify his more severe assault, her violence should not be ignored, and if she does not "woman up" to it then her message will be the usual one-sided double standards that leave female perpetration covered up.
The saying, "There is no excuse for domestic violence," applies to both sexes. Female violence in relationships is not rare but is often hypocritically deemed acceptable or humorous, such as in the film, Sideways. It is part of the cycle of domestic violence, which cannot be stopped without addressing the problem honestly. Children are damaged just by witnessing domestic violence, regardless of its severity.
A 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire found women are as violent and as controlling as men in relationships worldwide ('',
A major study funded by the Centers for Disease Control found one-fourth of heterosexual relationships had violence and: "half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases." ('')
The same study also found "while injury was more likely when violence was perpetrated by men, in relationships with reciprocal violence it was the men who were injured more often (25% of the time) than were women (20% of the time)." ('')
Over 200 studies now confirm the same thing, that "women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners," as California State University Professor Martin Fiebert shows in his online bibliography at ''. This data is more reliable than criminal justice data because men are less likely to report the violence or to respond positively to crime surveys because society still does not consider female violence as much of a crime.
If Rihanna sincerely wants to raise awareness about domestic violence, NCFM calls on her to be forthcoming about her own violence and to address the problem honestly.
To learn more about the National Coalition of Free Men, contact Marc Angelucci at 626-319-3081


Marc Angelucci
National Coalition of Free Men
1964 Addison Way
Los Angeles, CA 90041
PHONE. 626-319-3081

SOURCE: National Coalition For Men


Friday, October 16, 2009

NCFM Letter to Office of Violence Against Women re WV Ruling

October 16, 2009


Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

Jennifer Kaplan


800 K Street, N.W., Suite 920

Washington, D.C. 20530


Dear Ms. Kaplan,


John Lucas, the Wisconsin liaison for the National Coalition For Men (NCFM), has asked NCFM to send you this letter.  NCFM was founded in 1977 and has members across America and in several countries.  We are concerned with harmful gender based stereotypes against males.


A West Virginia court recently voided the state's regulations for domestic violence programs because the regulations denied abused men access to publicly funded shelters and denied women abusers

access to treatment.


The court ruled the Family Violence Prevention Services Board's policies and procedures for licensing domestic violence shelters, certifying advocates, and distributing state funding distorted lawmakers' intent and violated the free speech right of others.   The court also held West Virginia administers the state's domestic violence programs based on the wrongful belief that only men can be batterers and only women can be victims, finding "The practical effect of this rule is to exclude adult and adolescent males from their statutory right to safety and security free from domestic violence for no reason other than their gender.''


The cavalier and parochial behavior of West Virginia's Family Violence Prevention Services Board, their usurpation of the intent of the West Virginia Legislature, and the lack of legal authority in which they have operated constitutes egregious maladministration and malfeasance.


Simply put, the West Virginia debacle creates a strong appearance of insidious corruption, an appearance the domestic violence industry can well do without.


The federal government must thoroughly investigate the Family Violence Prevention Services Board, affect corrective action, and ensure and enforce the gender neutrality requirement as a condition of providing continuing funding for domestic violence programs in West Virginia.


The Board's provincial awarding of contracts to a select few of ideologically acceptable service providers reeks of power and control cronyism. The federal government should immediately order the Family Violence Prevention Services Board to open its membership to all interested parties. Any interested group should be

able to apply and receive fair examination and consideration of their proposals. The award process must be above reproach and void of favoritism.


This devastating ruling against the Family Violence Prevention Services Board questions whether the Board and recipient members have violated their federal contracts. Such violations of

similar federal contracts would automatically trigger federal compliance audits, if not Congressional hearings.


Regardless, it will come as no surprise if the Family Violence Prevention Services Board disbands and surfaces under another name to avoid further scrutiny, if not liability. In which case, all recommendations above must still apply and federal compliance should be rigorously enforced.


The problems found in West Virginia are widespread. Similar lawsuits are pending in other jurisdictions and will soon focus on the misconduct of similar ideologically driven unconstitutional programs

and confabs.


An assessment of the national Family Violence Prevention and Services Program found program accountability to be only 7% among its grant recipients, perhaps like West Virginia's Family Violence Prevention Services Board. One problem is the FVPSP seldom requires meaningful monitoring of grant recipients, recipients which generally share the same gender biased attitude against men as West Virginia's failed Family Violence Prevention

Services Board.


Accordingly, we ask that all domestic violence programs recognized or funded by, through, or with the assistance of the federal Family Violence Prevention and Services Program be immediately reviewed and held accountable to the highest of standards, including providing the same and equal treatment and services to

those in need regardless of gender.


It matters not how many men or women are abused, only that the abused receive proper assistance.


It's hoped your legacy will show concern for all victims, to do otherwise will have history treating you other than you may wish.




Harry Crouch



Cc: Director, Catherine Pierce and Others

Thursday, October 8, 2009

NCFM quoted in Associated Press re victory for battered men in WV

Judge: W.Va. shelter rules biased against men

Associated Press
10/08/09 10:15 AM PDT

"The West Virginia legal challenge is among a growing number of battles being waged across the country by groups that allege state laws requiring gender-neutral programs are skewed by discriminatory rules and regulations that embrace gender biases.  'We're not trying to belittle women who are abused, we're trying to raise awareness" that men are also victims,' said Marc Angelucci with the National Coalition For Men who secured a similar court victory in California last October.  An appeals court there invalidated parts of that state's Health and Safety Code and Penal Code last year, saying they were unconstitutional because they excluded men from programs and services supported by nearly $22 million in taxpayer money each year"
"One of the biggest changes, though, has been to increase awareness of men as victims, Angelucci said, pointing to a 2001 study by the Centers for Disease Control that showed women are just as likely as men to commit domestic violence."

Monday, October 5, 2009

Great turnout for NCFM-sponsored film "Support? System Down" in Atlanta

On  September 24-27, 2009, the NCFM-sponsored documentary film SUPPORT? SYSTEM DOWN by filmmaker Angelo Lobo had an excellent turnout at the Peach Tree International Film Festival in Atlanta and was the highest-ranking film on the buzz meter.        
The film, which includes an interview with NCFM's president Harry Crouch, examines the problems related to the child support system in the U.S. including issues such as draconian guidelines, flawed data, paternity fraud, procedural defects, problems for military parents, bias against non-custodial parents, and how these and other problems affect children, families, homelessness, incarceration, suicide and other issues.


The film has also aired with great success in San Diego and New York and is now being screened for consideration for the Lone Star Film Festival in Fort Worth, Texas.


NCFM helped with initial funding and support for the film, and various other organizations were involved in the production as well.  For more information visit

Thursday, September 24, 2009

NCFM in Examiner: "Praxis International Encourages Domestic Violence"

Trudy Schuett mentions NCFM's work in her fantastic article in the Examiner about how Amanda McCormick of Praxis International apparently made a position statement on behalf of Praxis when she said she knows "alot of men who deserve to be beaten" during her keynote address at the annual conference of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Confronting Amanda McCormick's hypocritical support of violence against men

In 9/09, a male victim of domestic violence reported to NCFM that on 9/14/09 he attended the Washington State Domestic Violence Coalition conference and was extremely offended when the keynote speaker, Amanda McCormick of Praxis International, said some men "deserve to be beaten."  NCFM sent Praxis the following and will make additional complaints, and we encourage others to take action as well.;;
Dear Praxis International,
We are informed that your speaker, Amanda McCormick, recently said with a grin, "I think I know a lot of men who deserve to be beaten" during her keynote address at the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence on September 14, 2009.   
Banners on the wall said, "There is no excuse for domestic violence" and similar slogans.

Are you aware that she said this?  And do you think that was acceptable?  
Can you imagine someone saying "I know alot of women who deserve to be beaten" at any time, especially at an anti domestic violence conference?
Several conference participants have privately expressed disgust with Amanda McCormick's anti-male rhetoric.  Some protested in their evaluations.
We are writing to ask for your response as to whether you are aware of this, whether you think it is acceptable, and whether you intend to take any action about this.  Please get back to us.  Thank you in advance for your hopeful cooperation in this regard.  
Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.
Board Member
National Coalition For Men

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

NCFM New Release: Battered Men, Too, Are Hurt by Budget Cuts
National Coalition For Men

Company Information :
National Coalition For Men
P.O. Box 41291
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Ph. (818) 907-9383
Media Contacts:
Marc Angelucci, Esq
Battered Men, Too, Are Hurt By California Budget Cuts To Domestic Violence Services, Announces National Coalition For Men
Male victims should not be ignored in industry outry against budget cuts
For Immediate Release
LOS ANGELES/EWORLDWIRE/July 31, 2009 --- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is reportedly cutting up to 100 percent of state funding for domestic violence services in California, according to the National Coalition For Men, and these cuts can hurt both male and female victims of domestic violence. Yet, many in the domestic violence industry are leaving male victims invisible as usual in their public outcry against the funding cuts.
For example, a July 30, 2009, news release by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence repeatedly refers to victims as "women and children" or "women, children, and families," leaving male victims and their children invisible ('').
In a landmark case pursued by the National Coalition For Men (NCFM), the California Court of Appeal recently declared that "domestic violence is a serious problem for both women and men," that "men experience significant levels of domestic violence as victims," and that "male victims of domestic violence are similarly situated to female victims for purposes of the statutory programs." The court also found approximately 15 percent of State-funded domestic violence programs in California refuse to help male victims, although NCFM contends the percentage is much higher. (Woods v. Horton (2008) '')
"This double standard is absolutely wrong," said Marc Angelucci, the NCFM attorney who represented the plaintiffs in Woods v. Horton. "If it were AIDS victims or homeless veterans, who are 80 to 95 percent male, we would say 'men and women' to include everyone. Why not for domestic abuse victims? Don't they deserve the same dignity?"
Male victims are less likely to report it, which makes crime data unreliable, but over 200 empirical studies using various methods all show "women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationship with their spouses of male partners," and that men account for one-third of injuries, according to a California State University bibliography maintained online by Professor Martin Fiebert at ''.
For example, a major study by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control found half of heterosexual domestic violence is reciprocal and women perpetuate more than half of the non-reciprocal violence and about 71 percent of the reciprocal violence.
A recent 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire found women are at least as violent and as controlling as men in dating relationships worldwide.
Governor Schwarzenegger cutting 100 percent of funding for domestic violence services:


Marc Angelucci
National Coalition of Free Men
1964 Addison Way
Los Angeles, CA 90041
PHONE. 626-319-3081
FAX. 626-319-3081

SOURCE: National Coalition For Men

Saturday, June 13, 2009

University of Chicago prints NCFM letter supporting men's group on campus
Dear Editor
I was so happy to read about the student group "Men in Power" in the Chicago Tribune. Groups like this are part of a growing, global men's rights movement that advocates for equal treatment of men in areas such as child custody, domestic violence policies, reproductive rights, criminal sentencing, public health policies, paternity laws, the draft, dating expectations, and more.
Opponents of this movement tend to reactively look only at gender disparities at the top of society (government, CEOs) while overlooking the bottom, where men account for 80 to 90 percent of homeless adults, work-related deaths, prisoners, and suicide deaths, as well as 99 percent of combat deaths and the majority of dropouts and special education students. Men also die younger and more often than women for the 10 leading causes of death.
In fact, the reason for the gender disparity at the top—including the "pay gap"—is that women have more options than men to be primary parents, and many of them exercise that option rather than work long, stressful hours. One study found 57 percent of female graduates of Stanford and Harvard left the workforce within 15 years. This is an option few men have (try being a single male and telling women on the first date that you want to stay home). The pay gap only looks at yearly incomes but doesn't account for these options or for overtime (90 percent male), commutes, flexibility, physical risk, etc. This has been confirmed by a recent study funded by the Department of Labor, entitled "An Analysis of Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women."
Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.
Board Member
National Coalition For Men

Thursday, March 19, 2009

update for NCFM-LA Activities page

3/16/09: L.A. Wave Newspaper, which focuses on the African-American community in Los Angeles, prints op ed by NCFM board member: "Rihanna-Brown incident an example of double standards in attitudes toward partner abuse."


Sunday, November 23, 2008

NCFM Twin Cities Chapter at Education Minnesota conference

In October, the Twin Cities Chapter of NCFM had a booth at the annual conference of Education Minnesota, the state teachers association. This conference is always one of our busiest events. For the fifth straight year, we distributed literature about the school system’s bias against boys, and articles with suggestions on how the school system could be changed to serve the educational needs of boys as well as it already serves the educational needs of girls. We also distributed articles about the severe shortage of male teachers and male role models in the schools, and we gave out 500 bookmarks with the Twin Cities Chapter logo and web address.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

NCFM speaks at UCLA School of Law for 4th year in a row

On November 10, 2008, UCLA School of Law invited NCFM attorney Marc Angelucci to be a guest speaker for the fourth year in a row to students in a Human Rights and Sexual Politics seminar.  As always, he discussed the history and basic philosophy of NCFM and the men's movement in general, briefly covering issues of such as fathers' rights, male victims of domestic violence or rape, false accusations of abuse, criminal sentencing disparities, men's health, male bashing, and other issues, including misandry and anti-male discrimination in general.  This time he also discussed NCFM's recent California appellate victory in Woods v. Shewry.  The students were very engaged and receptive, and, as always, asked good questions.  Every year they are even more receptive than in previous years, and this year was no exception. 

NCFM members speak out at L.A. City Domestic Violence Council

On November 10, 2008, five NCFM members and several male victims of domestic violence attended and spoke out at the Los Angeles City Domestic Violence Council's monthly meeting about male victims of domestic violence and NCFM's  recent appellate victory in Woods v. Shewry.  There were a few heated exchanges but for the most part things went smoothly.   

Thursday, October 16, 2008

NCFM wins landmark appellate victory for battered men!!

On 10/14/08, NCFM won a landmark victory for battered men in the appellate case of Woods v. Shewry, originally filed by NCFM back in 2005.  The California Court of Appeal (4th District) ruled that it is unconstitutional to exclude male victims of domestic violence from state-funded programs because it violates men's constitutional right to equal protection.  The decision mentions NCFM and is at 
Here are a few media stories on the decision as of the date of this post: 
San Francisco Chronicle, "Appeals Court Decision Supports Battered Men," 10/16/08
Sacramento Bee, "Court: End Domestic Violence Program Discrimination," 10/16/08 
Metropolitan News-Enterprise, "Court Rules Domestic Violence Programs Must be Open to Men," 10/15/08

Sunday, August 24, 2008

NCFM Twin Cities Chapter at Dakota County Fair

The Twin Cities Chapter of NCFM had a booth at the 2008 Dakota County Fair, held August 4 - 10 at Farmington, Minnesota. Many fairgoers visited our booth to talk and to take literature about a wide range of men's and boys' issues. This was the fourth straight year that we have had a booth at this fair.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

NCFM Attorney Argues Equal Protection Case Before California Court of Appeal

On July 22, 2008, NCFM attorney Marc Angelucci argued the case of David Woods v. State of California before the Third District Court of Appeal in California.  The 3-judge panel (pictured below) appeared very much in agreement that excluding male victims of domestic violence from state-funded domestic violence provisions (CA Health & Safety Code Section 124250), and that excluding inmate fathers from state-run inmate parenting programs, violates men's Constitutional right to equal protection.  A write- up is available at    



NCFM Attorney Marc E. Angelucci with Appellants in front of 3rd District Court of Appeal in Sacramento


Vance W. Raye (presiding):

Fred K. Morrison:

Tani Cantil Sakauye:


Monday, June 16, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

NCFM sponsors documentary film SUPPORT? SYSTEM DOWN in San Diego

On May 17, 2008, NCFM co-sponsored and helped fund the premier screening of the documentary film "SUPPORT? SYSTEM DOWN" at the Ultra Star Cinema in the Flower Hill Mall in Del Mar, California.  The film, by producer and filmmaker Angelo Lobo (Angelo Productions), examines the broken family court system and how it betrays families, especially fathers, for federal incentives and how military and struggling fathers are impacted the most.  The theater was packed and the premier was a great success.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Porterville Recorder quotes NCFM on post-divorce friendships

Channel 9 News mentions NCFM's defense of dad jailed for his daughter's failure to pass GED test


California Group Defends Fairfield Father

By: Alyssa Bunn

A California group has been speaking out on behalf of a Fairfield father who was punished after his adult daughter failed to get her GED.
The California Alliance for Families and Children has called for Butler County judge David Niehaus to be removed from the case for sentencing Brian Gegner to six months in jail.
The National Coalition of Free Men has also gotten involved in the case.  The group examines cases it considers to be sex discrimination.
Judge Niehaus said Gegner should be punished because his daughter, Brittany Gegner, was a juvenile in his custody when she skipped school and didn't graduate.
Now, Brittany is 18 years old and is living with her mother.  She still has not received her GED.
Brittany and her mother both said that they should be to blame, not Gegner.
A new hearing connected to the case has been scheduled for Friday morning.

NCFM President interviewed on the Tom Leykis Show

On May 14, 2008 the Tom Leykis Show hosted NCFM president Harry Crouch, NCFM member Marc Angelucci and Fathers4Justice member Dennis Ettlin about NCFM's recent presentation to Torrance High School students on domestic violence in response to the feminist presentation that misrepresented the statistics.   

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

NCFM Speaks at Torrance High School

On May 13, 2008, NCFM members Marc Angelucci, Harry Crouch and Fred Sottile were invited speakers at Torrance High School where they spoke before 30 members of the student body government about male victims of domestic violence.  This was a counter to the presentation given by an organization that distorted the issue and falsely told the students 95% of domestic violence is male-on-female, a myth that is not supported by any current credible data at all.  A father of one of the students, who was outraged by the misinformation and contacted NCFM, who helped him stage a protest outside the school and speak at the school board and city council meetings.  As a result, the school agreed to allow NCFM to present the other side.  NCFM discussed the experiences of male victims and why they are neglected and covered up for political and ideological reasons, handed out studies on dating violence including those linked below, explained the history and politics surrounding the problem and why covering up half the violence actually fosters the intergenerational cycle of violence even more.  The students were receptive, and some were outspokenly supportive.  NCFM also briefly introduced issues like paternity fraud and false accusations of abuse as forms of domestic violence, and briefly introduced other men's issues as well and the men's rights movement overall.  NCFM handed out NCFM's flyers and other materials, as well as the following studies/articles:

Science Daily, "Male And Female Adolescents Equally Victims Of Physical Dating Violence, Study Shows" (11/12/07)


California State University (Long Beach) bibliography by Professor Martin Fiebert (page 1)


University of New Hampshire, "Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence, UNH Expert Says."


Journal of Adolescent Health, "Gender Differences in Dating Aggression Among Multiethnic High School Students" (5/08).


Thank you to all who helped out and donated toward the travel costs, and to Dennis, the father of the Torrance High School student, who contacted NCFM made it all happen.  Well done, folks! 


Sunday, April 13, 2008

San Luis Obisbo Tribune quotes NCFM on men's post-divorce relations with male friends

On March 17, 2008, the San Luis Obisbo Tribune quoted NCFM (J. Steven Svoboda) in a story about men's post-divorce relationships with their male friends.  The link to the article has been broken. 

Thursday, March 6, 2008

USA Today prints NCFM-LA letter on Harvard's women-only gym hours
(Photo - No boys allowed: Though turned away from Harvard's gym during the new women-only hours, Muslim Kareem Shuman said he was sympathetic to the policy. / By Elise Amendola, AP)

Closing Harvard gym to men is discriminatory, unfair

Marc E. Angelucci, president, Los Angeles Chapter, National Coalition of Free Men - Los Angeles
Why is Harvard University creating special gym hours for women but not for men? Muslim men often cover up in the presence of women to honor hijab, as well. Muslim men have as much reason as Muslim women to be uncomfortable with seeing the opposite sex in revealing gym clothing ("Harvard gym accommodates Muslim women," News, Wednesday).
Exercising in the same gym is going to cause distractions for both men and women. There is no reason why Harvard cannot create similar men-only hours.
I hope that male students will fight and even sue to force Harvard to extend the same gym benefits to men.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

NCFM plaintiff wins $400,000.00+ class action against Club Med for anti-male discrimination

For immediate release



Los Angeles, CA (February 28, 2008) – Today, the Los Angeles and San Diego Chapters of the National Coalition of Free Men ("NCFM") announced support for a judgment entered on February 25, 2008 by the Orange County Superior Court in Alfred Rava v. Club Med Sales (Case No. 03CC09858), a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of the California men who were denied free air travel during Club Med's 2003 "Ladies Fly Free" promotion.  


The lawsuit alleged Club Med held a promotion in 2003 for travel to its Cancun and Turks  & Caicos resorts that violated California's Unruh Civil Rights Act and Gender Tax Repeal Act by providing female consumers with free air fare – up to $400 in value, while denying male consumers the same free air travel.


The Unruh Act and Gender Tax Repeal Acts have been successfully applied in recent years to end the scourge of promotions in California that charged customers different prices based on the their sex.  Examples include "Ladies Nights" or "Ladies Days" where nightclubs charge men higher prices than women for cover charges, or car washes, billiard halls, dating services, casinos or theaters that charge men higher prices than women for the same services.  The California Supreme Court recognized California's strong public policy to eradicate sex discrimination when it ruled last year that men did not have to ask a Los Angeles supper club to pay the same cover charge as women in order to have a sex discrimination claim.  Angelucci v. Century Supper Club (2007) 41 Cal.4th 160.


Club Med and the class of male plaintiffs entered into a settlement agreement that was approved by Orange County Superior Court Judge Ronald H. Bauer.  The settlement includes a provision wherein Club Med, while denying all liability, agreed it would not hold any promotions that discriminate against consumers based on sex.  In addition, each class member who made a claim will receive a cash payment of about $1,000, as well as $1,200 in vouchers for travel to several Club Med resorts, and their attorneys' fees and court costs paid in full. 


This is the largest settlement of an Unruh Civil Rights Act or Gender Tax Repeal Act lawsuit in California history.  These Acts protect consumers from being discriminated against based on sex and other protected personal characteristics such as race, national origin, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, or medical condition.


Marc Angelucci, Esq., the president of the Los Angeles Chapter of the NCFM, stated "This settlement provides the male victims of this sex-based promotion with a fair cash settlement along with significant travel vouchers to several all-inclusive Club Med resorts.  Furthermore, the settlement supports California's strong public policy of eradicating sex discrimination and helps assure men and women will be treated equally in future promotions by Club Med or any other business operating in California." 


NCFM is a non-profit educational and civil rights organization that looks at the ways sex discrimination affects men and boys.  The Los Angeles and San Diego chapters of NCFM supported the named plaintiff, Alfred Rava, throughout the 4 ½ years of litigation.


The Orange County Superior Court judgment is available online at


Contact Information:


Marc Angelucci, Esq., Los Angeles Chapter of the NCFM

Class Members' Attorney Erik Jenkins

(phone numbers omitted from online version)

National Coalition of Free Men:


Monday, February 25, 2008

Columbus Telegram quotes NCFM-LA

On February 23, 2008 the Columbus Telegram quoted NCFM-LA in a story about male victims of domestic violence as a result of NCFM-LA's response to the Telegram's previous biased story.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Newbury Port News quotes NCFM on male victims of domestic violence and White Ribbon Day
February 22, 2008

Heard around town: Women not only victims of domestic abuse


Coverage of local participation in the statewide White Ribbon Day last Thursday caught the eye of male advocates on the other side of the country.


The National Coalition of Free Men pointed out to The Daily News this week that women aren't the only victims of domestic violence.


"I work with men who have been stabbed, cut with glass, had their teeth knocked out with ashtrays, etc., by wives or girlfriends. They and their children deserve the same dignity as female victims, but instead they're stigmatized, ignored and downplayed," wrote Marc Angelucci, president of the Los Angeles chapter.


On its Web site, The National Coalition of Free Men is described as "a nonprofit educational and civil rights organization that looks at the ways sex discrimination affects men and boys."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

NCFM in the Colorado Springs Gazette

On February 17, 2008, NCFM was quoted in the Colorado Springs Gazette in an article about keeping ties with friends after a divorce.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

NCFM participates in historic domestic violence conference in Sacramento

On February 15 and 16, 2008, NCFM participated in and helped support a historic, groundbreaking domestic violence conference in Sacramento, California with leading domestic violence experts and speakers from around the world.  The conference was a huge success and was standing room only.  The California Attorney General and California Judicial Council were there along with probation departments, judges, public defenders, service providers and other professionals.  The purpose of the conference was to support positive, research-based, gender-inclusive alternatives to current, ideology-based, discriminatory policies.


Write-ups and photos of the conference are available at:

NCFM-LA protests exemption of "able-bodied males" from ban on slavery by International Labour Organi

On February 19, 2008, NCFM-LA sent the following letter to the International Labour Organization:




February 19, 2008


Mr. Juan Somavia
International Labour Organization
des Morillons 4
CH-1211 Geneva 22


Dear Mr. Somavia,


The National Coalition of Free Men ("NCFM") is a nonprofit organization that looks at the ways sex discrimination affects men and boys.  We write to express strong opposition to the exemption of "adult able-bodied males" in Article 11 of the Forced Labour Convention of 1930 ( and to request all records and information reflecting the history of this exemption. 


On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Article 2 of the Declaration states "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race . . . sex . . . ."  (Emphasis added.)  Article 4 states "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms."  Article 7 states: "All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination." 


The discrimination against males in Article 11 of the Forced Labour Convention flatly conflicts with the above-mentioned human rights guarantees set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  As you are aware, slavery and forced labor are still significant global problems, and the Convention is an active treaty with 172 nations currently signed on.  Over 80 percent of forced labor victims are men.  (Adam Jones, Ph.D., Gendercide and Genocide.)  In some parts of China, male slaves have no protection because only slavery of females is prohibited by law.  ("Some human traffickers may walk away in 'slave' case," China Daily, 6/15/07,


We urge you to amend the Convention to treat men and women equally pursuant to the demands of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  We also request all information regarding the history of the exemption of men from the ban on forced labor, including any opposition and support for the exemption.





Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.



Cc: ILO Bureau for Gender Equality

       ILO Washington DC branch